Our Services

MyTEAM Mentors


Connecting girls with mentors with similar medical conditions who provide perspective, advice, and support.

"No matter how frustrated I get, my mentor knows exactly what to say to help me feel better. She always makes me laugh and feel more hopeful. It's a lot easier for me to navigate this journey with her at my side."

MyTEAM Teammates


Pairing girls with a 'teammate' who has a similar condition. Providing opportunities to bond over shared experiences.

"To see that there were many others out there who have climbed the same mountain as I and who felt the same way that I did was liberating. I realized, for the first time, that I'm not alone."



Hosting community leaders, social workers, and mechanchos who provide perspective, chizuk, and coping skills.

"The teleconferences that MyTEAM arranges are about growing from the ‘here and now.’ It really inspires me and makes me feel validated. "



Arranging several yearly parties where teammates can get together to meet and support each other and just have fun!

"When have I ever been so completely at ease, laughing about things that my friends don't understand? I'm totally living off of the magic of last night! That was the most extreme opposite of lonely I have ever felt."



Sending pick-me-up letters and poems written by fellow teammates. We also send stunning care packages biannually.

"Just wanted to say thank you for the Shalach Manos . It was such a thoughtful, cute and cheerful package. It really brightened my day!"

School Initiative

School Initiative

Providing resources for school faculty and parents in understanding and addressing the needs of students with chronic illness.

MyTEAM Support Network

MyTEAM Support Network is a 501c3 non-profit organization   I   @MyTEAM Support Network 2020   I   Website By Shira Devora Steinberg